A wrecking yard in metropolitan Washington DC has a Curtiss JN-4 “Jenny” as a street side attention getter. It worked we think! Notice the rows of delivery bodies on the left side of the entrance, we suspect this photo would be around 1930.
In the back of the same yard Model T’s are apparently driven or towed in and parked for the last time.
Above a 1916 Model T is in the work shop next to a much larger car. Electricity was a new thing and most shops had very limited lighting other than from windows or open doors.
A large auto part store, perhaps a Western Auto or Pep Boys in the early 1920’s. Notice how tall all the tires are, these are no doubt mostly if not all clincher tires.
Another part store. This one has a lot of investment in glass cabinets to show off all the Model T Ford accessories.
Notice the wooden floor. Many dealerships in large cities had the work shop built upstairs while the showroom was downstairs. A skylight provides the main source of illumination. Another observation, Model T rear axles were troublesome back then too!
Every garage had one or more chain fall hoists to pull engines or to lift the entire car
A pot bellied stove fed with coal would provide a means of heating the room, it also made a place to heat coffee and meals. These guys are likely the owners or managers of the business, they are too clean to be mechanics.
A work shop belonging to Frank Johnes in Coulton Washington about 1928. Notice all the windows to light the shop. The method of holding the car up in the air is not an OSHA approved one.
In Denver, CO the McCarty Sherman Ford dealer was on 8th and Sante Fe. According to reader Les B. the building is still standing as of November 2017. Notice the electric street car tracks running down the middle of the street.
OK, it’s not a Model T but these guys are certainly getting greasy doing whatever it is they are fixing. The dark glass bottle may contain motor oil or beer – either would be appropriate.
Many times the local livery stable evolved into a service center for automobiles. This looks like one of those situations. Gasoline was a profitable sideline, pumps were generally placed on the street side. The Model T is from 1923 – 25, the car on the right looks to be newer.
Above, the Lugar garage in Indiana about 1921.
Another view, above, of the Lugar garage.
A very early photo of a machine shop shows a nearly new motorcycle in the foreground. About 1915 we think.
A happy bunch of guys in front of the Ford dealer in Rising Sun, Maryland.
Meanwhile the garage in Tustin California boasted of having a rest room – a special thing when most folks still used an outhouse at home.
A Ford dealer’s back room in 1913 – wish I had a back room like this!
Above, the guy in the white shirt is my grandfather Adolph Peterson in 1919 showing off the new gas pump at his business, The Auto Inn. It must be threshing season as there is a large steam tractor parked down the street. The building still exists today in Eagle Bend, Minnesota at the corner of Main Street and Central Avenue.
Above, a garage in Manhattan, New York City asks drivers to please keep it down for the neighbor’s sake. About 1910 judging by the large non – Model T town car.
Above this tire store had a pretty girl with her Remington typewriter to process customer invoices. Very high tech for the era, probably about 1915. Again all the tires appear to be clinchers.
A well equipped Ford dealer in Maryland about 1929. Many Model T Fords are in the clean, well lighted work shop along with a nearly new Model AA chassis on the right.