A brand new 1924 runabout with magneto headlamps, no starter and oil cowl / tail lamp was the least expensive car on the market. Ford factory list price was $265 at the beginning of the 1924 model year which began August 23, 1923. In December 1923 the list price dropped to $260. Ford came off a triumphant 1923 model year with cars that were virtually unchanged from 1923 for the 1924 model year. When we think of a Model T Ford we think mostly of the 1923 – 1925 models because they are the most common of all Model T Fords. Ford’s success in the marketplace was unchallenged in those years. Let’s look at the 1924 cars in more detail. The 1924 model year began on August 1, 1923 and ended July 31, 1924. Serial number range for 1924 was from 8,122,675 to 10,266,471.
The Model T Ford touring could be had for as little as $295 if you wanted magneto headlamps, crank starting and kerosene tail lamp / cowl lamps. The car shown here has demountable wheels and no cowl lamps, which means it has full electrical system, battery, and starter. The deluxe touring sold for $380 at the beginning of the 1924 model year on August 1, 1923. In December 1923 the price for each dropped by $5 to $290 and $375 respectively. Henry Ford had to be patting himself on the back in 1924. While his son Edsel and many other top lieutenants were recommending that the old Model T be put out to pasture and replaced with a new more modern car, Henry knew better. The Model T continued to be refined and the prices continued to drop. Ford production eclipsed the production of their next 8 competitors – combined! Chevrolet was second in the auto making business that season with 264,000 cars built. Ford was the richest man on earth. Ford Motor Company in 1924 was the most profitable business on earth.
Ford’s experimental department during 1923 – 24 had developed both air cooled and water cooled versions of an unusual X-8 radial – type engine as a possible successor to the Model T. This example can be seen at Greenfield Village in Dearborn today. The X-8 project was unsuccessful. While Henry Ford often had great ideas this was not one of them. Changes for the 1924 model year were few. All cars were built with 16″ diameter Fordite (black plastic) rims on their steering wheels with pressed steel centers. All cars had steel firewalls and three dip engine pans. All cars were built with high radiators and 4:1 steering gear. All cars were black.
Ford offered the bare chassis at $230 with magneto / kerosene lamps or as shown here $295 with starter and full six volt electric lighting. This custom bodied car has hard rubber tires on its demountable rims so no spare would be needed. The metal firewall was standard on all 1924 Model T Fords. This is an unrestored 1924 Fordor sedan showing the factory wire routing for reference purposes. Another view showing the metal clips securing the wire harness as it goes down next to the steering column. The Fordor sedan was the most expensive Model T offered in 1924. List price was $685 at the beginning of the 1924 model year. by December 1923 the price was dropped to $660. The much more popular coupe meanwhile started the model year at $525 and later dropped to $520 in December 1923. This is Model T Ford number 10,000,000 coming down the line at Highland Park. This photo has led some to believe Model T engines were unpainted during this period of time. We remain unconvinced. The Ten Millionth Model T Ford was produced June 4, 1924 near the end of the model year. The car then went on a promotional tour across the United States. The Ten Millionth Ford went on tour on the new Lincoln Highway, ending in San Francisco California. Think you know your dime store cowboys? If you know this guy let us know who he is. The Kingston L4 carburetor was now nearly entirely made of cast iron with a copper float. Model T’s were equipped with either the Kingston L4 or Holley NH carburetor used interchangeably during the 1924 model year. The Holley – designed NH carburetor was made by both Holley and under license by Ford during 1924 model year. A typical 1924 engine equipped with generator and Kingston L4 carburetor. This engine has a few incorrect details such as the brass oil cap but is mostly typical of the model year with low compression “high” cylinder head and the carburetor heat stove pipe installed for cold weather use. Many small towns saw their livery stables transform into automobile service / sales outlets as the horse was replaced by the Model T Ford. Surprisingly the USA was still using millions of horses in 1924 for transportation and for farming uses. This dealer has just unloaded a half dozen new 1924 Model T tourings at the rail station and now has to install the fenders and lights so they can be sold. During 1924 the typical Model T used the oval gas tank below the seat. The assembly line is shut down for lunch in this March 1924 photograph of the Chicago, IL assembly plant. At Ford’s Highland Park plant in 1924 workers first installed the seat upholstery. Lots of windows provided light during daytime hours. After the seat upholstery was complete the bodies moved into the top fitting area. Most roads outside city limits were not paved in 1924. Mud, ruts, and slow going were the order of the day. Reuben C “Ruby” Syrett came to Bryce Canyon Utah in 1916 and eventually built a hotel / lodge that is still in use today. This 1930 photo shows a (well worn!) 1924 Model T Ford depot hack which was used to bring guests from the train station in Salt Lake City 268 miles away to the lodge. The most expensive Model T in 1924 was the Fordor sedan. Notice the fine pin striping that was standard on this model. Spare tire was not included, but you did get a spare tire rim! This car has the typical 30 X 3 1/2 demountable wheels. Only black painted wheels were available. Rims were bare galvanized steel. Someone did a very clever job of making this closed cab pickup truck using a Fordor sedan as the basis. Well done we say! Gas stations were starting to be more like the ones we see today but there were still gas pumps located on sidewalks outside drug stores and hardware stores and car dealerships. This 1924 Tudor sedan has an accessory rear bumper, something that Ford would not offer until 1926. The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton rail lines were purchased by Henry Ford in 1920. It had been known up to that time as a bunch of rusting, faulty equipment run by companies that often went bankrupt as they lost piles of cash. Ford immediately modernized the entire line, making much of the inner Detroit area lines electric “doodlebug” powered.It was at the time one of the most efficient and profitable railways in the United States. It makes perfect sense that DT&I would use new Model T Fordor sedans for track inspection. Ford sold the line in 1929 due to his disgust with corruption and interference by the federal Interstate Commerce Commission. A large dealer showroom circa 1924 – 1925 with the full line of Ford T and TT offerings. The Fordor sedan body could be purchased separately for $430. The C-cab TT truck was introduced halfway through the 1924 model year on January 9, 1924. Prices started at $490 with the stake bed body and all steel C – cab as shown above. This C – cab truck is the basic version with no provision for battery or electric starter. It has kerosene cowl lamps and tail lamp. It has the optional demountable wheels and steel utility bed. The C cab trucks were very popular, accounting for nearly 45,000 units sold in 1924 model year. The TT truck was popular around the world. In Australia this locally – bodied version sold for 183 pounds, roughly $460 in USA currency.