A bunch of hooligans out hunting birds and enjoying some libations. The two cars in the rear are Model T Fords, not sure about the car in front but it looks new.
The new 1909 Model T Ford with its redesigned engine had a simplified radiator design. Previously the first 2499 cars had a separate radiator “shell” around the actual radiator.
For the Model T’s built from serial 2500 onwards Ford redesigned the radiator with the top tank integral to the design, there was no separate shell. The top radiator neck is noticeably shorter than cars built in 1911 and afterwards. The Ford script on the front of the top tank has “wings”, a sort of flourish on the front and rear of the Ford script.
Above a near new 1910 Model T touring with optional ” Prestolite” carbide tank in place of the carbide generator.
Bodies of the 1909 – 1910 Model T’s were almost entirely made of wood. You might say that the construction technique was similar to that of a piano. The main structural parts of the body are wood, nailed together. The bodies are covered in veneer. The finish on the bodies was multiple coats of products known as “Japan enamel” and lacquer applied by brush, then sanded and finally buffed to a lustrous finish.
A brand new 1909 – 1910 Model T Roadster in the yard behind the Piquette plant.
Ford used at least three suppliers of lamps in 1909 – 1910 model years. The most prolific suppliers those years were JNO Brown of Cleveland, Ohio and Edmunds & Jones of Detroit Michigan. Ford also used some lamps from Atwood Castle of Amesbury Massachusetts as well, these seem to be much rarer and may have only been used in early 1909 according to some reports.
Atwood Castle #104 cowl lamp used in 1909 only. Please note that there are other authoritative sources claiming that the cowl lamps are #204 – they are mistaken.
Atwood Castle #84 Headlamp used in 1909 only
Atwood Castle 120 tail lamp used in 1909 only
A typical 1909 – 1910 touring equipped with JNO Brown headlamps and cowl lamps. Note that this car apparently did not have the optional top and windshield, buyers had the choice of buying all, some, or none of the optional items offered by Ford.
JNO Brown Model 15 headlamps used in 1909 – 1910.
JNO Brown Carbide generator used in 1909 – 1912 model years
Above JNO Brown Model 60 cowl lamps used in 1909 – 1910
Above JNO Brown Model 75 tail lamp used in 1909 and 1910
1909 touring above has Mezger “Automatic” windshield and Edmunds & Jones “E&J” lamps. Note the three tier cowl lamp variation more common in 1909.
Top view of an original E & J Model 466 lamp. Compare to the reproduction E & J Model 466 lamp photo below.
A truly barn fresh 1910 touring has the more typical two tier E & J cowl lamps. The E &J cowl lamps are easy to identify because they always have a round lens in front.
E&J tail lamp used in 1909 – 1912 model years, this one is mounted in conjunction with a dealer accessory “Neverout” license plate bracket.
Horseless Age advertisement from September 1910 – for the sum of $80 you got a pair of carbide headlamps, a carbide generator, a windshield, speedometer setup and a top complete with side curtains. Surprisingly a number of buyers elected to keep the $80.