How to: Stretch an old clincher tire

1909 advertisement for Firestone Non Skid tires


Clincher tires can be tough to mount sometimes. One thing that can cause trouble is when the tire sits unused in new condition for a few years. The tire “shrinks” somewhat, and it also gets hard. One enterprising Model T mechanic developed a solution years ago. We don’t know who he is, but thank you who ever you are or were! Continue reading “How to: Stretch an old clincher tire”

Model T Accessories: We Love Them!

When the 1909 Model T Ford was introduced in the fall of 1908 Ford was already the leading car manufacturer in the world. Within weeks of the first Model T being sold there were accessories available to “improve” it. Then as now, there were accessories that made claims that were either partly true or completely untrue. Other accessories offered genuine improvement. In any case they offer today’s Model T enthusiast interesting options to add to the car, or to hang on the garage wall as a conversation piece.

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What Kind of Gasoline Should I Use In My Model T Ford?

When the new 1909 Model T Ford first came out of the Piquette assembly plant in the fall of 1908 it was a much different world than today. Gasoline was originally produced as a by – product of kerosene production. It was marketed as a cleaning fluid and sold in drug stores and hardware stores. You could generally buy a gallon can of gasoline for about 30 cents, which sounds inexpensive, but in 2017 currency it is equivalent to about $8.07 a gallon! We have much better quality gasoline today, and it is much cheaper.

Continue reading “What Kind of Gasoline Should I Use In My Model T Ford?”